Client Success Stories

What People Are Saying

A marked improvement was observed compared to the untreated portions. Some of the noted characteristics were: the road was not rutting; the gravel was locked into the surface; the portholes were completely gone and the wash-board eliminated and the added benefit was that the dust had decreased about 80%. The freeze-thaw cycle has not adversely affected the integrity of the product and the frost heaving was reduced significantly.
Darell Szott
Public Works Superintendent, Flagstaff County, AB
The RM of Prairie Rose has and will definitely use the product again. The RM has tried other products in the past and found that they don’t stand up to what GRAVELOCK does. The RM has done 2 miles with one product and 2 miles with GRAVELOCK 4 years ago. Our maintenance crew spends way more time on the other products 2 miles than it does where GRAVELOCK was applied. As we all know our road network whether highways or grids take a lot of work to maintain. I’m confident in the product and I think has become a game changer when it comes to being cost effective in helping maintain our rural roads.
Darin Pedersen
Reeve, RM of Prairie Rose #309

Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation

Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation transformed their rutted roads using GRAVELOCK, applied by their own band members. In just 10 weeks, road strength and bearing capacity surged by 183%, ensuring smooth, safe travel for school buses and the community. 

RM of Lac Pelletier

The Rural Municipality of Lac Pelletier The RM of Lac Pelletier applied GRAVELOCK, boosting road strength by 251% in 5 weeks. Ruts, potholes, and washboard vanished, reducing dust and maintenance. 

RR 2210 Prairie Rose

RR2210 Prairie Rose, SK treated 2 miles of road with GRAVELOCK. In 3.5 months, GRAVELOCK increased road strength and bearing capacity by 156%, permanently enhancing the road’s structure. 

Flagstaff County Shoulder Pulling

Shoulder pulling is a maintenance procedure utilized on roads that are in excess of 10 meters wide. It extends the life of the road and reduces maintenance costs. This maintenance procedure incorporates GRAVELOCK, into the sub-grade to strengthen the sub-grade. 

Looking to build the safest, strongest, and most sustainable roads?